
The Future of Floating. Now.

Aquawind is a European project, co-funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, which aims to achieve a practical demonstration of a multi-use (MU) integrated solution to offshore renewable energy developments. This will consist of joining an existing marine renewable energy production (W2Power) prototype with an innovative finfish aquaculture solution. The W2Power is a floating wind technology, while the aquaculture prototype will include a tailor-made design fish cage with novel net materials, high level of digitalization and species diversification. Through its actions, AquaWind satisfies the goal of bringing about a fundamental shift away from the idea of exclusive resource rights and toward the inclusive sharing of resources by one or more uses. In fact, the project’s goal is to create and implement an inclusive process including all relevant parties, including representatives from the corporate sector, academics, regional, national, and European authorities, and civil society. In this regard, AquaWind concentrates on specific recommendations made for MU projects that were expressly recommended by the European Commission in its guidelines for a more sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture for the years 2021 to 2030. AquaWind is set up in this way as a Flagship project to serve as a template for the Atlantic Basin.


Funded by:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952960.

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