
WIP10+ project will demonstrate at sea a scale prototype of the fully integrated offshore wind floating platform Wind2Power, the wind only version of the patented W2Power platform. Wind2Power full scale version will hold a couple twin wind turbines of up to 6 MW each, and due to its size, it is also able to host additional functions. Duration of the project: 2016 – 2019
The project WIP 10+, “Wind integrated platform for 10+ MW power per foundation” will demonstrate at sea and at significant scale a fully integrated offshore wind floating platform Wind2Power that holds a couple twin wind turbines of up to 6 MW each, and that it is also able to host additional functions due to its size.

The objectives of the innovation are:
- To provide a floating foundation for high installed wind capacity.
- To optimize the O&M procedures.
- To prove that cost reduction is possible acting both on capital and O&M costs.
- To improve sea space management.
The project addresses the need for cost reduction in offshore wind by providing a light but large semisubmersible platform able to host two 5-6 MW wind turbines for a total of 10-12 MW per platform.
Specific expected results are: validation of numerical and laboratory estimations on forces and motions, proof of engineering design including moorings and wind vanning platform concept.
More comprehensive expected results are survivability of the platform through winter conditions in real sea environment, quantification of cost reduction compared to two floating wind turbines, and optimization and validation of specific installation, operation and maintenance procedures.

WIP10+ project has installed the first multirotor floating platform worldwide and the first floating wind platform in Spanish waters.
This ambitious project has generated important development steps and has secured the exploitability of the W2Power floating wind solution. This technology provides a cost efficient way of exploiting wind resource in deep waters, with important socioeconomic benefits for the coastal areas that not have shallow waters, like Spain, Mediterranean Sea, European Atlantic (except North Sea), and key offshore markets: Japan, Korea, EEUU and South America.
All the members of the consortium have worked intensely and closely in order to obtain the best results for their companies and for the joint project interest.
The main results, related to W2Power solution demonstration, has been:
- Full design of the W2Power concept at real scale, 1:1, including wind farm level design.
- Detailed design of the prototype at 1:6 scale, including all the main subsystems.
Manufacturing, assembly, dry testing, load-out, towing, and hook-up procedures of the 1:6 scale prototype has been completed successfully.
In the first 50 days at PLOCAN test site, functionality of all subsystems, platform stability and general survivability. Three intense storms and maximum wave height equivalent to more than 30 meters, considering the scale of the prototype.
Main scientific and technical results:
Availability of detailed Mathematical models to study the hydrodynamics of the floating structure with wind forces and different control strategies, verified with tank testing and real sea data.
- A fatigue monitoring system for offshore structures has been developed and tested.
A hybrid mooring system design, including the swivel mooring assembly, has been design and tested at the prototype, when applied to the W2Power concept at real scale allows for significant improvements in cost and performance.

EnerOcean will coordinate the full project, with substantial support by Ghenova for naval engineering works and for the coordination of the sea testing, Ingeteam for electrical engineering and TensionTech for mooring solutions and other key engineering, being a small consortium with all partners represented at the Steering Committee. The decision making process and all management aspects is regulated by a customised Consortium Agreement already prepared and signature ready.

EnerOcean (ES) is a research-based SME, highly experienced in R&D, that since 2011, has been co-developing the W2Power system together with its Norwegian initiators. The initial patents are currently granted or being granted in more than 10 countries, so that all enabling IP is fully controlled and EnerOcean is secured the required Freedom to Operate. EnerOcean has the role of managing the present DemoWind project and will be working with the three other partners in the conversion from the initial concept engineering to the detailed engineering to build, deploy and test at sea the platform. EnerOcean will supervise all phases of the project, in particular system integration for construction, manufacturing, assembly and installation; it will be responsible for the development of a profitable business case, assessment of risks and dissemination of results. EnerOcean will also use the monitoring solutions developed in the CDTI funded SEAMAR project to assess the structural health of the system. EnerOcean S.L. is a research SME founded in 2007 based in Málaga (Spain). Its initial focus was on the Mediterranean and the region of Cádiz on Spain’s Atlantic coastline and it has expanded to be today an internationally active small company. Enerocean is dedicated to adapting and applying innovative technologies from the entire world in the offshore energy engineering field. The company has several contracts with public & private clients, and works closely with one of the world’s leading research groups in Operational Oceanography, at Cádiz University, as well as with other Universities and R&D centers. In 2009, Enerocean won two public contracts to assess the potential of ocean energies in the region of Andalucía, in competition with much larger engineering and consultancy companies. This work, assessing both Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea resources, including one of the biggest ocean currents areas in the World, the Gibraltar Strait, has been widely published. As a previous Eurostars project consortium member (project period 2009-2012) EnerOcean is already in the “Champions’ League” of innovative SME’s.

Ghenova Ingenieria (ES) is a naval and maritime design & engineering specialist and will design the different components of the structure including materials, coatings, hydraulics and dynamic ballasting, installation and decommission methods, health and safety measures, emergency systems and procedures (survival modes definition, control and implementation). They wil collaborate with Tension Tech on moorings and in particular on designing and proving the adaptable swivel based mooring system that guarantees the wind-vaning characteristics of the Wind2Power platform. Last but not least, Ghenova will work on structural reliability aspects including several monitoring techniques with the support of EnerOcean (modal vibration analysis, strain gages, load cells, ultrasonics) and the creation of a remote monitoring access.
Ultimately, Ghenova is the consortium partner responsible for construction and assembly and will work with EnerOcean defining the business models and actual costs, margins and pricing points drawing on its extensive experience with contracting ship yards and workshops both nationally in Spain and internationally. Ghenova, apart from its expertise in naval engineering is highly experience in energy related R&D, and as an example is one of the main partners in the projects Emerbuque and SEAPEM “Offshore wind farm support vessel “ funded by CDTI in the Feder Innterconecta Andalucía.

Ingeteam (ES) is an engineering company expert in electrical and turbine components, providing operation and maintenance services to . They will be responsible for adaptation of the wind turbine components, electric system, control, subsystems design and power take off system. With production facilities in the USA, China, Brasil and Europe and with more than 3.000 employees, Ingeteam has a superb track record of international product delivery, effective supports and customers services satisfaction to clients anywhere around the world. Specifically, Ingeteam’s wind energy division, since 1995, produces and markets all the electric and electronic equipment required for wind turbines, using the latest design techniques and based on in-house technology by investing in research and development directed at wind energy. Ingeteam will focus in the wind machinery aspects of the project, the electrical interface and control systems integration, but also in assuring that its large experience in maintenance of wind energy system is taken into account in the design. Since 1999, Ingeteam has been providing services related to the Operation and Complete Maintenance of Wind Farms. Ingeteam provides O&M (Operation and Maintenance) services in 52 Wind Farms all over the world, with a total installed Wind Power Capacity of 3.000 MW. This diverse expertise allows Ingeteam to become your strategic partner in executing wind farm maintenance programs. Ingeteam has been recently very active in European R&D with numerous participations like FP7 projects OPTIMUS, HIPRWIND and SUPRAPOWER, CENIT (National) EOLIA, among others. Particularly noteworthy for this project is the recently awarded commision to Ingeteam of the Wikinger offshore wind farm in Germany that has 70 turbines AD5-135 manufactured by Adwen Offshore (joint venture between Areva and Gamsa) that once installed will mean 350MW in Total.

Tension Technology International (UK) is an independent SME design and engineering company formed in 1986 and has offices in the UK, Holland and USA. TTI has experienced, capable and committed professional personnel, specialised computer software and in-house testing facilities. TTI principals and consultants have experience and technical expertise in the industrial, military, marine and offshore sectors. Notably, TTI developed the OPTIMOOR computer model for calculating the response of offshore and pierside vessels, and have pioneered the use of fibre ropes including the model FRM whichb calculates load/extension, torque/twist, breaking load and fatigue of fibre ropes. TTI also conduct specialist testing and provide expert witness services and examination of failed ropes. The company has built up an extensive database of in-service performance of mooring materials and of results of major laboratory testing programmes. TTI services includes design, engineering and testing of fibres, ropes, electro-mechanical cables, chains, umbilicals, fabrics, mooring systems, riser protection nets, subsea tethers, computer aided design and analysis.
From its strong base in offshore oil & gas, TTI has brought its extensive fibre rope and mooring design expertise to the benefit of the offshore renewables industry, that is, the evolving floating offshore wind and tidal (hydrokinetic) & wave technologies. Services offered typically cover the range from conceptual design through to detailed engineering of the mooring system and its components, using state-of-the-art analysis software including TTI Optimoor, Ansys Aqwa and OrcaFlex to develop, refine and verify mooring system designs to meet client and certification authority requirements. The company also does WCAD/FEA analysis of mooring components and have recently completed as study for the UK’s Carbon Trust to design a range of scaleable connectors.
WIP10+ prototype presentation event
Las Palmas, Canary Islands (10 April 2019)

This project has received funding from the Era-Net DEMOWIND with co-funding from CDTI (Spain), Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (UK) and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.