The aim of the SOUNDofICE project is to develop a new smart, energy-efficient and autonomously technology for de-icing in aeronautic and renewable energy by using acoustic waves.
Specific objectives:
Effective de-icing with “high frequency vibrations”.
Synergistic combination of de-icing (active) and anti-icing (passive) mechanisms.
Understanding the atomic-scale effects of acoustic waves at the interface between solid surfaces and minus-zero liquid droplets and/or ice particles.
Demonstration of the applicability of acoustic wave de-icing over larger areas and comparison of its performance with thermal ice prevention and conventional ultrasounds de-icing systems.
Development of a feedback system and algorithms for autonomous and optimized de-icing operation based on surface integrated microengineered SAW sensors for ice detection and automatic control of (s)AWs excitation.
Validation and benchmarking of the technology with a proof of concept device (PCD).
SOUNDofICE is a Project funded by the European Commission through the H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2019-2020-01 GA Nº: 899352