The SKILLS Project aims to develop a highly competitive floating wind platform technology for use in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Japan/East Sea of Korea. Especially in the latter two locations, where the cost/benefit ratios are very tight. This objective will be achieved through a joint research effort on the design and operation of wind farms, turbines and floats.
The international consortium of the SKILLS project consists of three Spanish partners (one large company and two SMEs) and five Korean partners (three research centres and two large companies). All partners focus their activity on wind or floating wind, including float technology developer and turbine technology developer, operations planning, offshore equipment development and floating wind project development.
EnerOcean brings to the consortium its expertise in wind float technology development, offshore asset monitoring, floating wind platform control and operations planning. EnerOcean will work closely with all partners, being also the coordinating entity of the Spanish consortium and WP1 leaders.
As results of the SKILLS project, 5 commercially exploitable products or results have been identified, which will be at least in TRL4 after the end of the project, and will be developed a posteriori for exploitation. All the results are oriented to technologists, wind farm developers, offshore wind system manufacturers…:
- 20MW W2Power platform for low-medium speed wind.
- Design technology for multi-turbine wind platforms and floating wind farms.
- Offshore wind farm controller.
- Optimised mooring system pre-design methodology.
- Real-time monitoring and control system for platforms and offshore wind farms.

Funded by:
Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) and the Centre for the Development of Technology and Innovation E.P.E. (CDTI) have been designated as funding agencies to manage a new joint top-down R&D Bilateral Programme, the Korea Spain Strategic Programme (KSSP), to select and fund singular projects in mutually agreed topics.
This call for proposals under the KSSP aims to launch ambitious strategic joint R&D projects of a high international standard between Korean and Spanish organizations. The selected projects are funded by KIAT in Korea and CDTI in Spain.
KSSP is aimed at encouraging collaborative cross-border innovative civil joint R&D projects between Korean and Spanish industrial partners, consisting in the development or substantial improvement of new products, processes, or services. This Call for proposals is open to collaborative R&D projects in the following areas/sectors: Renewable Energy, Hydrogen & Energy Storage.